Thai Airways recently ordered 45 Boeing 787 Dreamliner model airplanes from Boeing. The new planes should modernize the company's fleet and allow it to launch new routes.

The airline chose the 787-9 variant to increase the efficiency of its fleet. In addition, there has recently been an increased demand for air transportation in Southeast Asia. With the new airplanes, the company will be able to meet the needs of more people.

Moreover, Royal Brunei Airlines has also purchased four 787 Dreamliner airplanes to expand its fleet.

The executive director of Royal Brunei Airlines says that the arrival of these airplanes is a step forward. Airlines are looking to improve their services to cater to more people.

The company has been using the previous models of this lineup for a long time. Customers love these airplanes, so a few new airliners will help improve the service. Royal Brunei Airlines says it combines quality service with high safety standards, and the new acquisition gives them a boost in growth and opens up new routes. In addition, the new airliners simply make the company more attractive in the market.

A step towards carbon neutrality

The CEO of Thai Airways says that the Boeing 787 Dreamliner was chosen because of the company's long-term goals. They want to achieve a higher carbon neutrality rating as early as 2050.

Thus, the new purchase is also strategic. GEnx engines do not harm the atmosphere as much as other engines due to their advanced technology. The company does not only care about its customers, but also about the global environment and the economy of its country.

Thai Airways has many Boeing airplanes even now. Including the 777 and 787 models. They serve about 60 different routes in Asia, Europe and the Middle East.  

In addition, Dreamliner airplanes use less fuel and produce 25 percent fewer emissions than other airplanes. Their use should significantly improve operational efficiency.


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